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Search results

  1. W

    FN2 Strut bearing arrow direction

    If you are talking front top mount then the arrow should be on the outside of the car facing front to rear.
  2. W

    FN2 FN2 Ball Joint Help

    Find the part number on here after changing year to 2007: https://www.parts-honda.uk/honda-cars/civic/2010/20-type-r-plus/10751 then cross reference to sites like Autodoc If you are looking at ball joint on the end of the lower control arm it doesn't look like Honda list it as a separate part.
  3. W

    Knock/clunk while reversing

    Join civinfo.com
  4. W

    Knock/clunk while reversing

    If you hover your cursor over his ID name you will see he hasn't been here since 2018.
  5. W

    FN2 Honda FN2 08 Reg - Drive Shaft Question

    Not heard of this on the FN2. One thing that can happen is for the shaft to snap where the rubber vibration damper sits as water gets under it and rusts through the shaft. Not a common fault but no fun - J&R probably best replacement if it does happen. One gear related issue is the synchro...
  6. W

    FN2 Honda Type R GT fn2 Help

    Sounds a better bet Read this before you go as it will tell you what to look for: https://type-r-owners.co.uk/forums/index.php?threads/buying-guide-check-list-for-the-fn2-civic-type-r.60294/
  7. W

    FN2 Honda Type R GT fn2 Help

    If that is a Scottish car from new then it will tend to be more rusty simply due to the weather conditions up there. Hondas have bullet proof engines and running gear but the bodies are the weak point. Any rust however well sorted will eventually creep back, if the body is that bad I would be...
  8. W

    FK2 The 100k mile FK2!

    Are your sure it's the shocks. IIRC the FK2 has a beam axle like the FN2 - could it just be knackered bushes? Perhaps fitting some polybushes might be the answer? https://www.polybush.co.uk/polyurethane-suspension-bushes-components-products/honda/civic-fk2/
  9. W

    FN2 Mot with De-Cat

    https://www.tpwengineering.com/ try these guys, set up by the original TDI owner after he sold the business to the prats who went bust.
  10. W

    FN2 Type-R MOT Failure

    The HC limit is 200 so he's talking cobblers - you have grounds for a complaint unless your cat really has been removed. But were the other emissions within limits? Mine was 181 on last test as they clearly did not run it long enough to get the cat hot but it passed. The FN2 has a long warm up...
  11. W

    Welder in east Sussex area

    We aren't doing a group hug this year unfortunately. But the idea is to meet up and put faces to names since we are a country wide group. There is a bit of a display element and trying to put the forum name out there.
  12. W

    Seeking advice from other Type-R owners.

    I'd stick with it. Don't have to do everything at once, just prioritise the jobs and fix when funds/time allows. Sounds like you know what you are doing so could save lots on labour. The brake rebuild sounds like priority #2 and a new set of slider pins etc should be done too. I'd buy an...
  13. W

    Welder in east Sussex area

    no I mean this https://www.beaulieu.co.uk/events/simply-japanese/ I organise group parking for civinfo.com members.
  14. W

    Welder in east Sussex area

    A group of us used to meet a few years ago but the Chinese plague stopped that. We do try to meet at Simply Japanese, I'm a moderator on civinfo.com and I organise our forum for that. Join up if you haven't already.
  15. W

    Welder in east Sussex area

    did you use him then?
  16. W

    Welder in east Sussex area

    EK's motor services Unit 2 Croft Works, Diplocks Way, Hailsham BN27 3JF 01323 845484 Ask for Chris, He's a Honda fan and has restored a CRX so should be on message. If not he will know someone to help.
  17. W

    2009 2.2 civic key issue

    so how did he turn the engine off when he got back home? he may be able to get the key blade out with thin nosed pliers, does he have a spare key?
  18. W

    Type R #17 - FK8 #4

    welcome back good to see you coming to your senses.
  19. W

    Shell V Power DONT USE

    have found Shell V makes my FN2 run less smoothly than other 99/97 RON fuels so don't use it. Sticking with Morrisons/Sainsburys 97 E5 at the moment as they are both cheaper and more convenient.
  20. W

    Modifying FN2 Civic Type R

    Tegiwa Japserviceparts.co.uk TDI North - don't go there as we hear they have gone bust.
  21. W

    AC Blowing Warm Air

    like Chris says. What you are getting is probably ambient air being drawn in from outside. Does the AC clutch engage/disengage as you switch AC on/off? If the gas is too low it won't engage the compressor.
  22. W

    Shell V Power DONT USE

    I found V power made the FN2 skittish like it was on heat. BP Ultimate solved that but now I use supermarket E5, not noticed Tesco 99 being different to Morrisons or Sainsbury 97 but all smoother than Shell.
  23. W

    What is this rubber cover?

    I think that sits on top of the gearbox as a breather - sits near the where the gear cables link to the box. Have you been working in that area under the air box?
  24. W

    FN2 2007 type r fn2 intermittent starting issue.

    it's a normal issue with the FN2 if you are hearing the starter motor whirring away with no start. the gear on the front of the starter motor is not coming forward to connect with the flywheel. as long as the teeth on the flywheel are not shot which was an issue with the very earliest cars then...
  25. W

    FN2 FN2 Rear Axle (Beam)

    members on civinfo.com have reported this too. one has fitted the "standard" beam but added a Whiteline rear ARB to strengthen it, don't know how he has got on with it yet the main difference between the two versions is the diameter of the torsion bar that runs through he centre, FN2 is 22mm and...
  26. W

    Noob needing gearbox help/suggestions

    before you go spending money to get somebody to look at it refer the dealer you bought it from to the Consumer Rights Act https://www.honestjohn.co.uk/news/miscellaneous/2015-09/new-consumer-rights-act-gives-car-buyers-right-to-reject/ The presumption in law is that a (major) fault that...
  27. W

    FN2 Under tray clips

    go to vehicleclips.co.uk and search on the Honda section
  28. W

    FN2 2010 Suspension Change

    no alignment as replacing like for like (Sachs) there was no need, checking tyres now months later there is no evidence of uneven wear. later on I did put news pads in F&R but they needed doing so everything got thoroughly cleaned and greased using this...
  29. W

    FN2 2010 Suspension Change

    no, bought all the parts and got a mobile mechanic to do the job
  30. W

    FN2 Cat

    mine's 2011 and it is under the car
  31. W

    FN2 2010 Suspension Change

    did my FN2 back in Feb/Mar this year with Sachs and other bits, does make all the difference once the new stuff beds in
  32. W

    Gearbox gone

    cars after April 2010 had LSD as standard so did the Champ white version
  33. W

    FK8 FK8 CTR Sport Line Ride

    Good choice of motor, i'd have one if i could but with 19" tyres and hard performance suspension I think you will have to live with it. Even the FN2 with 18" tyres can be a bit unforgiving on rough roads.
  34. W

    New owner a few faults, new some help

    the squeak is most likely the shocks getting past their prime, there is a fix from Honda but doubt that anyone at your dealer will be old enough to remember it. it could just be the handbrake cable stretching as you release it it that's first thing in the morning. on the AC it could be the shim...
  35. W

    Fn2 subframe bolt torque settings

    60Nm for all 3 bolts each side. make sure you put the longer one back in the same hole it came out of
  36. W

    Bumper variation.

    correct. the non-GT version was canned quite early, guess very few were bought. just get the best one your budget allows.
  37. W

    Bumper variation.

    the CK10 car has the city/image pack, can't remember what it was called. this gave protective bump strips for the doors and corners of the bumpers, was an after sales add-on from Honda
  38. W

    Fn2 Servicing and Modification - Hertfordshire

    welcome back to the light unless you want to go coil over route I'd suggest replacing all the shocks with OEM replacements from Sachs. I've done that recently and it has made it feel better on the road, did do top mounts, spring bearings, drop links and ARB bushes at the same time though...
  39. W

    What did you do to your Type R today?

    Went AG rapid ceramic in the end. Doesn't increase the shine from the polish but should keep it looking nice for a few months with just a wash down required.
  40. W

    What did you do to your Type R today?

    Polished with AG SRP, wheels cleaned ans waxed with Collinite 476, trim done with Valetpro Black to the future Can't decide whether to finish off with AG rapid ceramic spray or the 476
  41. W

    Wheel spacers

    be careful your insurance company may see this as a mod and it could affect your insurance.
  42. W

    FK8 Non-performance modifications not insured

    I have insured with Churchill and just checked whether wheel spacers were an issue if I fitted them. Response was that the policy would be cancelled if i did -FFS! Anyway on the bright side that's £200 I can spend on something else.
  43. W

    Windscreen washer nozzles

    cox are actually a Honda dealer in Morecombe who also run a mail order service, bit like Lings down in Hampshire
  44. W

    Site not secure?

    getting same message on my windows PC. this happened before when the site was being "upgraded"
  45. W

    FN2 spoiler fitting to std MK8

    I seem to remember seeing a post some time back where the poster included instructions and a fitting template with dimensions and drilling positions to do this. Can anyone remember who, what. where etc. Cheers
  46. W

    FK8 Non-performance modifications not insured

    That's daft, as you say they make no difference to the performance of the car.
  47. W

    FK8 Non-performance modifications not insured

    I think the reality is that they are not refusing to insure you/your car just not covering theft/damage to non-manufacturer fitted accessories. Subtle difference but .....................
  48. W

    What did you do to your Type R today?

    put a pair of these in https://www.bisonparts.co.uk/product/clear-28-led-dynamic-mirror-indicators-rh-lh-pair-30631
  49. W

    FN2 '09 full re spray

    if that's a full strip respray that's still a bit steep, maybe they just don't want the work.
  50. W

    2007 FN2 type r shocks...?

    If you want to get them direct from the UK then see these guys, a trade supplier selling to the public: http://autopartstechnik.co.uk/
  51. W

    FN2 Drivers side headlight and bumper mounts.

    The FN2 has HID headlights so any old MK8 will not do. Have a look on here to check parts numbers https://www.coxmotorparts.co.uk/
  52. W

    EP3 Dampers

    I have put Sachs on my FN2 as they made them for Honda I assume they were the original suppliers for the EP3 as well.
  53. W

    E10 petrol

    Interesting extra info on this....... I read the Honda workshop manual section about changing the fuel filter on my FN2. It states that the new O rings should be lubed with fresh engine oil and specifically says NOT to use any lube that contains alcohol! So in that case how long before those...
  54. W

    Help please

    If you've had it that long it's like losing a close relative! One option does spring to mind providing that body shop can guarantee a proper, safe repair. If you negotiate with your insurance company to write off the car, you can then buy it back off them for salvage and get it repaired...
  55. W

    2009 FN2 GT 34K Water in Lower Boot Well.

    Other sources are the roof seam by the hinges, seam under the outer rear lights (indicators), bolt holes that hold that light unit on. Captain Tolleys leak sealer or Plumbers Gold sealer are favourites to fix it.
  56. W

    Plated/Coated front brake discs?

    The Brembos on the FN2 are looking about the same as the Pagid on the Si, so probably not.
  57. W

    FK8 My Sportline Has Landed

    Ooooooo well jealous!
  58. W

    FK2 E10 Fuel launch in September

    E10 eating rubber I thought mainly affected older/classic cars where the internal components were rubber and not the more synthetic compounds used in more modern vehicles. I could be wrong.
  59. W

    EP3 EP3 JDM => FD2

    Rather than spending big on an FD2 why not consider a good late reg FN2? Damn sight easier to get parts and it would not cost a great deal to boost the power to match the FD2 standard output
  60. W

    What did you do to your Type R today?

    just replaced the aux belt, bit of a faff but perseverance paid off think they make them for Honda since the description on parts list says ...belt (Bando) You are being redirected...
  61. W

    FN2 Wheels refresh in black or gun metal, what to do with hubcap?

    The brakes might get that hot but the wheels won't. Try them out
  62. W

    FK8 Water in Light

    Check out civinfo.com there's loads of threads on there about this issue.
  63. W

    Can't help but notice....

    We had the same problem with Civinfo.com as the models shown were US, so we collected photos of UK models from members and the admins sorted it out.
  64. W

    FN2 Wheels refresh in black or gun metal, what to do with hubcap?

    i'd go with matching the wheels, you can get the red H decals on ebay I think. No FN2 on Cox website but this page gives you an idea of the genuine part cost: https://www.coxmotorparts.co.uk/?s=centres&post_type=product
  65. W

    fn2 type r dead key

    Think so had a dead one in one of ours and just putting anew one in worked.
  66. W

    fn2 type r dead key

    battery is a CR1616, I have used Energizer in all my 8G keys. the key is easy to open, just a tiny screw and then it unclips into 2 parts. if i recall the battery just lifts out, make sure the new one goes in the right way up and then reassemble. need to change it quite quickly or the code may...
  67. W

    What did you do to your Type R today?

    fitted new rear shocks to the FN2, used Sachs part 317471 from ebay seller and new bottom bolts from Honda, £130 all in.
  68. W

    EP3 Ep3 Moog Ball Joint Wrong Part No at ECP

    That's one thing I don't like about ECP - they only quote their part number with no cross reference to any makers part number. For example Sachs rear shocks for the FN2. Sachs have replaced the old number with a superseded part but from ECP website you have no idea which one they have in stock -...
  69. W

    FK8 No space saver wheel available for new civic type r gt

    That's ok I'm with FaNtheMan on his opinion of the staff member. If I recall correctly it was the parts guy at my local dealer where I bought it that told me. The big issue is that it will take twice as long by the roadside swapping 2 wheels over instead of 1
  70. W

    FK8 No space saver wheel available for new civic type r gt

    The space saver apparently doesn't fit the front on the FN2 so why would the FK8 be any different?
  71. W


    Or if you want to buy local get the price from Cox and see if you dealer will match it - works most times.
  72. W


    You'd trust them to change wiper blades!!!!
  73. W

    FK8 Making a fk8 more subtle

    Retired, don't have £300 a month for a new toy.
  74. W

    FK8 Making a fk8 more subtle

    If I had £35k to spend on a new car I'd be on this like a shot
  75. W

    FK8 Making a fk8 more subtle

    that's okay if you can afford a new one. we don't all have jobs with loads of overtime to afford new BMs every couple of years
  76. W

    FK8 Making a fk8 more subtle

    If I had one I'd lose the silly red line on the wheels and probably in the bumpers too.
  77. W

    Front sach shocks Replacment

    I think they are the correct parts, the FN2 are not the same as the 1.8/2.2 Check the matching part numbers on here: https://www.parts-honda.uk/honda-cars/CIVIC/2010/20-TYPE-R-PLUS/10751 There are some available from UK suppliers on ebay which may come quicker and appear to be similar price
  78. W

    Front sach shocks Replacment

    Sachs make the shocks for Honda so probably the best OEM replacements. I would recommend joining civinfo.com where there are more responsive members with FN2s.
  79. W

    FN2 Lovely motor

    Seen this on autotrader - https://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202011045787302?transmission=Manual&postcode=bn212jz&model=CIVIC&advertising-location=at_cars&fuel-type=Petrol&sort=distance&price-to=15000&onesearchad=New&onesearchad=Nearly...
  80. W

    Best mugen replica front grill

    I put those on 2 years ago and they are still as new. They just cover the existing emblem leaving a small edge of the silver border. If you do go for them it's a one hit job - get it right on first contact or you can't get them back off.
  81. W

    FN2 VTEC Rev counter

    If you are talking about the row of red lights in top left by rev counter these should come on and go out when you start the car. They should then come back on in sequence as the revs get close to the red line, they are there to warn you so you don't have to look down at the tacho and take your...
  82. W

    Best mugen replica front grill

    Try these, got a set on my FN2: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Honda-Civic-Type-R-FN2-H-gel-overlay-badges-x-4-front-rear-S-wheel-start-/223333642239 You can request custom colours too I think
  83. W

    EP3 Gp front lower bumper

    Much easier to take the bumper off, the fog lights are in the bottom section. The lower section is clipped to the top but they are all at the back out of sight.
  84. W

    Front bumper

    Yes. But if the TypeR has HID headlights it will need to retain the washers which might be an issue.
  85. W

    EP3 Honda oil use at services

    They will use whatever appropriate grade is listed for the car. Most cars will have several grades listed depending on the country, engine type etc. My indie uses 5w30 for the 1.8 Si
  86. W

    EP3 Honda oil use at services

    My dealer seems to use 0w30, no idea what brand
  87. W

    .....erm,hello .

    Or buy one from down South where we don't get snow and not much salt chucked on the roads.
  88. W

    Single din facia fn2

    Oooops! It will still work by connecting via an empty FM channel but maybe not as well. Must say I have not seen a single DIN fascia for the FN2 only doubles.
  89. W

    .....erm,hello .

    Go FN2, the youngest EP3 is now 13-14 years old even if it is the most pampered car on the planet. The FN2 works as a daily, weekend warrior & track car. £8k will get you one of the youngest around, still 9-10 years old. £5k still gets a decent one. Plenty to choose from on Autotrader.
  90. W

    Single din facia fn2

    I know it's out of stock but I have the 250 in my FN2 running via the AUX jack: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303645569939 works fine and the 350 does HFT as well
  91. W

    Stuiwhite's NHB EP3

  92. W

    Automatic Headlights Always ON

    They used to use "discontinued" which meant they didn't make it anymore but there may be some in the supply chain. "Unavailable" might mean the same but it sounds rather more like "there ain't no more around". Worth asking a Honda dealer to find out but make sure you're sitting down if they give...
  93. W

    Automatic Headlights Always ON

    The light sensor is under the plastic cover that comes down in the centre of the windscreen behind the rear view mirror Nos 11 & 12 in this diagram: https://www.parts-honda.uk/honda-cars/CIVIC/2010/20-TYPE-R-PLUS/ELECTRICAL-EQUIPMENTS-EXHAUST-HEATER/CONTROL-UNIT-CABIN-RH-1-/17SMRA01/B__1312/3/10751
  94. W

    EP3 Engine cooling fans kick up and burning oil smell

    Well that's all the obvious things checked and appear ok. do you do a lot of slow traffic driving in town? this would keep the fans busy as there is no forced air flow across the radiator from driving at speed.
  95. W

    EP3 Engine cooling fans kick up and burning oil smell

    The fans should only operate when the coolant hits the temp that triggers them. I assume you have checked oil & coolant levels? Is the AC stuck on since one of them should only kick in when AC is on?
  96. W

    EP3 Buying/financing your Type R

    Is that PCP or a bank loan? 4.9% sounds like car loan deal territory - Nationwide do that rate too.
  97. W

    EP3 Front light calamity

    Try these: https://www.aurorabulbs.com/collections/all-interior-leds
  98. W

    Just bought a new Type R (FN2) Bronze

    Save a fortune: https://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202010155016400?sort=distance&aggregatedTrim=Type%20R%20GT&colour=Red&model=CIVIC&onesearchad=New&onesearchad=Nearly%20New&onesearchad=Used&include-delivery-option=on&radius=1500&make=HONDA&postcode=bn212jz&advertising-location=at_cars&page=1
  99. W

    EP3 Knock Sensor OEM

    This suggests that part number is for the EP3: https://www.hendyeshop.co.uk/civic-genuine-honda-knock-sensor-ep3-30530-prb-a01-76177-p.asp But looks like the same part for the FN2 - part no 14...
  100. W

    Type R bumper

    It should do. Problem if the R has HID headlamps and therefore headlight washers as S won't.