Hey guys,
Recently got myself a GruppeM for my EP3 and am loving it! However, like someone earlier in this thread I get this loud metallic vibration like noise between 5,500RPM up until the VTEC crossover point. It doesn't happen in first gear, but from second gear onwards.
I've got padding around the intake mouth where it touches the bonnet and the scuttle. I'm also using am modified scuttle panel as opposed to the included one..
Welcome to the forum.
Try putting some of the padded sticky tape stuff, inside the jubalie clip style things. You know, the two brackets that hold the GM together and on unit.
It gives the brackets padding so that the unit doesnt rattle in the fixing, its hard to explain, but you can just see the sides of the white padding on my old one, its inside the blue circle.
Never thought that the vibrations would come from there - good thinking mate.
It's not so much of a vibration Joe, but a slight rattle on idle if anything, worked a dream on mine anyway.
hi everyone im looking to get gruppe m kit for my ep3 but where from ?? any where online ?
due to the Jen being worth so much more than the £. Like nearly £700.
Plus most of the second hand Gruppe M around have been pimped out quite abit.
How do you pimp out a airbox?