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My ukdm dc2 r

Sad times ..

The plate prob is worth something yes ..

Sad times ... been meaning too since i got it and that was to check out the UK FEATURE of rust ... i know the outer arches were slightly showing but wanted to know the extent so with a bit of a pain and pulling of the interior panels and shoving the camera in ... the results speak for themselves :(

Lots of thinking to do now ..... Should of gone jdm lol .. sighs ... serious money to sort really ... inner and outers are i think 595 or up to 700 a side each from honda plus cutting and fitting and paint ... its gonna be close to the 3 grand mark .. breaking i think will be the way forward to fund another ..

not rushing into anything major yet .. shame as the engine has some miles on it but its solid and strong as you like ... they say that the shell will die before the engine does eh lol

The evidence ..











Right, I've just had mine fixed.

A new rear quarter panel is £2k fitted each side. Do not want.

You can get each side cut out, new metal welded in, smoothed over, sprayed and treated for around £300-£400 a side.

If you know a good bodyshop, it's worth getting a quote. I had mine done in Kent, for a good price.

If you do strip dibs on the rear bumper and steering wheel.
ive been hunting around for a few places n the ones i spoke to want silly money or wont touch it .. use the line .. oh get the panels n come see us etc

meh ! .. so in the back of my mind the option is to break to fund another
This is exactly why I won't be even looking at mine. Once you know about it you'll never enjoy the car again until it's fixed.

Run it until it dies. Then sell the bits that are left and buy something else good.
i know what your saying roadan ... ive looked at it and has really gutted me in a big way and killed a bit of it for me , but at the same time i look at it and think how much i love it but i cant justify spanking serious serious £0000 into the body i dont mind throwing £1000 and maybe a tad more but its finding the folk to do it and do a proper job

so i will more than likley break to fund another R
Sad times the breaking has started and looks so bare now already in a space of a few hours

still with the bits getting sold etc ill be buying another R