My key and alarm fob are sperate on my EP3, does anybody know if you can buy a replacement key that has the alarm fob built in?
I'm assuming you have the H&P key fob like the rest of us. When I spoke to them on the phone they either offer the same as the one you have, or a slightly larger one with an LED on it. When I asked if they knew if the key had a chip in it, they said they don't deal with the keys at all. Therefore my guess would be no you cannot.
If you knew what you were doing then I guess you could botch the H&P circuit board into a remote key off ebay?
Further to Omni's post on CTRO
I was just wondering how many of us need new casing as mines canny knackered like (but not as bad as the pic above) ??
I just emailed H&P to see if they are interested in supplying us at a discounted price 8)
Will keep you posted if and when i hear anything.