I'd like to sum up the past 2 weeks, mostly for their morbidly comedic values. It would be way too long in detail, so I'll stick to a flow chart format, it's even funnier that way.
car arrives home after incident with belt --> take top pulley off, not enough space --> hoist engine up, take off engine mount from engine, not enough space --> take out rubber mushroom engine mount from fender, enough space --> buy cordless drill, bits and tools, start drilling --> drilling takes a very long time, bits are too soft, hardly enough space to drill --> brake all drill bits, buy more --> continue drilling --> attempt to use tool for broken bolts, tip breaks into hole drilled in bolt --> mixed rage and disbelief --> try drilling again, no result --> give up, ask for help --> friend promises help, fails to show up, then fails to show up a week later again --> after disappointment, get pissed and motivated at work --> buy more drill bits, another set of bolt removers, find out, that I failed to buy a handle for bolt removers --> get home, remove a bolt in 15 seconds --> yay --> try drilling other bolt with more expensive titanium drill bit, no result --> find out, that hole is open on other end --> accept, that intake must be removed --> remove intake --> other end of bolt in reach, start drilling --> drill for overly long time --> bolt remover's tip too long and thin to work --> get idea to use previous bolt remover with broken tip, it's shorter and thicker --> break bolt remover into other end of bolt --> disbelief, rage --> start drilling again --> bolt remover being heat treated, progress is incredibly slow --> ask other friend for help, doesn't work out --> look up information on drilling --> cobalt drill bits can drill steel --> buy cobalt drill bits -->progress still painfully slow --> get advice, that cordless drill might be too weak --> get regular drill as a present --> start drilling again --> slow progress --> try bolt remover regularly, can't get it to grip --> drill bit comes out the other end --> surprised --> put in bolt remover, it hooks --> attempt to get bolt out, handle of bolt remover breaks, thing is too weak --> laugh in disbelief --> find out, that broken bolt remover tip, being heat treated thus very hard, pushed drill bit to the side --> drilled diagonally, ruined thread --> look to buy water pump housing
My english vocabulary is not sufficient to express how feckin infuriating this was. It seems I can buy a water pump housing in Hungary, so after that it's just a matter of time putting her back together, hopefully. Fingers crossed.